
Return on Assets Ratio ROA Analysis Formula Example

what is a good return on assets ratio

A declining ROA could also indicate the company’s profits are shrinking due to declining sales or revenue. Comparing profits to revenue is a useful operational metric, but comparing them to the resources a company used to earn them displays the feasibility of that company’s existence. Return on assets is the simplest of such corporate bang-for-the-buck measures.

what is a good return on assets ratio

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When you divide the company’s net profit of $2,500,000 by $33,500,000, you get a ROA of 7.46%. A more sophisticated ROA calculation takes into account that the value of a company’s assets changes over time. To factor this into your calculation, use the average value of assets the company owned in a given year, rather than the total value of its assets at year end. A similar valuation concept used by financial institutions is the return on average assets (ROAA).

Video Example of Return on Assets in Financial Analysis

For example, an asset-heavy company, such as a manufacturer, may have an ROA of 6% while an asset-light company, such as a dating app, could have an ROA of 15%. If you only compared to two based on ROA, you’d probably decide the app was a better investment. For these reasons, it’s best to use ROA as a way to analyze a single business over time. Plotting out the ROA of a company quarter over quarter or year over year can help you understand how well it’s performing.

How Can I Calculate a Company’s ROA?

This calculation is an example of what return on assets means when looking beyond pure revenue when evaluating which companies are the most efficient additions to your portfolio. While Company B produced twice the amount of profit as Company A, it needed to expend a significant amount of resources to achieve this rate of return. For most investors, longevity is the primary allocating llc recourse debts concern when selecting assets for inclusion in their portfolio. Investors want to choose companies that can survive the long haul, generating profits from their investments efficiently and consistently. It is important to note that return on assets should not be compared across industries. Companies in different industries vary significantly in their use of assets.

  1. Industries that are capital-intensive and require a high value of fixed assets for operations, will generally have a lower ROA, as their large asset base will increase the denominator of the formula.
  2. After investing in a company, monitor how its ROA is changing over time to ensure it can maintain its competitive edge.
  3. “The main difference between ROA and ROE is the consideration of a company’s debt,” Katzen says.
  4. For ROE, the basic calculation is to divide net annual income by shareholders’ equity, or the claim shareholders have on a company’s assets, after its debts are paid.

Return on Assets (ROA) Ratio Analysis

Remember to use total average assets in your calculation, rather than the assets the company held directly when the net income was recorded. The average assets held is calculated by adding the amount of assets a company had at the beginning preparing financial statements example income statement next step of the measuring period with the total assets at the end, then dividing by two. A company’s balance sheet will often report the average level or value of assets held over an accounting period, such as a quarter or fiscal year.

Return on assets indicates the amount of money earned per dollar of assets. Therefore, a higher return on assets value indicates that a business is more profitable and efficient. “The ROA is one indicator that expresses a company’s ability to https://www.quick-bookkeeping.net/the-issuance-of-common-stock/ generate money from its assets,” Katzen says. “Generally speaking, the higher the ROA, the more effective a company is at generating income for investors. The more income a company generates, the more likely the investment will appreciate.”

The Return on Assets (ROA) is a profitability ratio that reflects the efficiency at which a company utilizes its total assets to generate more net earnings, expressed as a percentage. ROA is calculated by dividing a firm’s net income by the average of its total https://www.quick-bookkeeping.net/ assets. To calculate the simplified ROA, you would divide the net income ($20.12 billion) by the total assets held by the company during the shared calculation period ($246 billion). In this example, the ROA for UnitedHealthcare stock was 8.18% in August 2023.

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